this is the recent pic i taken with my own n edit it also..
2 weeks ago
~21 July - complete~
-unlimited cheese-
of course we having great time together~ as more i spend time with my mom, i notice tat she getting older n older le.. sometimes u can jz do yr best is taking good care of yrself in order she not so worry about u.. coz u really cannot do anything when she getting older.. of course love is needed to show for her.. quite regret when she leave i cant even give her a hug.. coz is raining soon while she leave, so both of us quite rush also to cacth up the bus.. anyway, i wanna take God for this wonderful mom~ we being thru alot.. n we must go on.. God~ i pray tat u bless my mom n take good care of her every sec every moment~ be with her~~~ thank u Lord, Amen. miss u mom~!! T^T