Yellor~ guys!
have a question in my mind quite a long time ago.. "why blogging?" simple n straight forward~ :) jz curious why nowadays ppl like to write blog de.. although i also writing la.. haha~ but my purpose of writing blog is to glorify God thru my testimonial de.. maybe is quite sien for u guys le.. haha.. sorry i am boring ppl =3=
anyway, some ppl say,
blogging = open dairy (no privacy at all, coz dairy should be "P&C".. haha XD)
but some ppl say,
blogging = voice out something.
some ppl also say,
blogging = share my feeling.. coz no one listen to me.. :(
but wat says u? mind to share?? i would like to know :)
hope someone sharing can be my answer as well~
thz lot guys~!! (erm.. i mean girls also.. =3=)
God bless~!!
2 weeks ago
I blog for the lulz..
my reason of blogging is simple, make people feel zadao with my blog posts.. just for leisure purposes.. though i do admit at times i deviate from that...
my reason is....
share my life, gospel..
and also deep issue(if needs)
Blogging to share testimonies...Life is like a looking glass - a mirror - that reflects everything around us. All these reflections eventually bring us back to One Person - GOD.
Blogging to share Jesus and touch lives and to remind people that GOD is EVERYWHERE...that He is Here Even Right Now, making miracles happen and showering us with His blessings and grace and continuously showing His mercy upon us.
Blogging to remind people and to share with others of GOD's Great Love and His Amazing reflect the image of be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, as He instructed us to be.
In the Scriptures, GOD says,"I AM." - "I AM" i.e. He is Everything: He is in Everything...GOD is in the wind, the air, the light, the flower, the cloud, the sun, the star...etc - all these things and more reflect GOD's glory and might and power and honour. And everything we do will reflect Him coz we bear His image.
So, blog for GOD...haha...
Hallelujah~ God bless...
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